Friday, May 18, 2012

Trust your heart with the Lord


Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Proverbs 3: 5-6

How do you convince your children that God has your mate picked out and a relationship will come in His time. How to do explain to your children that  when you meet the perfect partner that you will know, in your heart that you two are truly “soul mates” and intended to be husband and wife?
When our girls were between the ages of 8 and 10, I remember a discussion one afternoon concerning the topic of boyfriends and girlfriends. I would hear young children, some a early as 6 or 7 say that  “they were going together”.   I would ask them where were you going, when you cannot drive?
 Why would a child that young need to feel that they NEEDED to be connected to another individual of the opposite sex to fit into our societal frame work? 

Do our young children feel that they need another individual’s approval or association to feel that they have self worth or that their self esteem is high enough to function or fit in?
I remember telling my girls that if I locked them in their rooms and did not allow them to date , God would bring their husbands to our front door. They, of course, rolled their eyes at me, but they never, out loud, challenged that statement.

Guess what: my oldest daughter married a young man that she went to high school with, but got to know through the work place. They both worked in the same business. They did not have to go out and find each other. My youngest daughter is engaged to a young man that she met through family friends and our love for the lake and our lake activities. She too, did not have to “go out” and find each other.
God’s timing is Perfect!! 

That is worth saying again….. God’s timing is Perfect!!
When you plan and pray and try to live with a relationship with our Lord and Savior, trust that everything is perfect in God’s timing.

 Do you obediently walk through doors of opportunity? Do you have the faith that “All is well” or do you try to take matters into your own hands?
 Sometimes simply listening, waiting and acting on God’s call will be the best. DO you Trust, your body, soul and heart with God? Do you truly believe that God is in control of every aspect of your life, including your relationships?

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